Back to School Support – Tips for Keeping Calm

Starting the new school year can be a big challenge! With so many new experiences associated with this time of year – it’s no wonder that both children and adults alike could be feeling a little edgy.

Here are some ideas to help things move smoothly – to support you and your child be relaxed and happy

Set up a good routine – waking up, eating and going to bed at regular times. Teach your child how to pack their bag the night before so there is less pressure in the morning. Avoid too much stimulation in the form of iPads/other devices as you get ready for school to reduce nervous system aggravation.

Good nutrition is so very important for good mental health. Having your child eat healthy food assists with behaviour, attention and learning. Start with a nutritious breakfast and follow that with a healthy lunchbox. It may help to have your child involved in planning out their lunches and snacks for the first weeks back, do your best to avoid pre-packaged, processed or sugary items – look instead to fresh fruit and veg and whole foods. These will digest more slowly and prevent a sugar high right when your child needs to concentrate!

The transition to school can be tiring and it’s likely that your child will need down time. Try to limit other activities during the first few weeks as they become accustomed to their new routine. Think about ways to help your child unwind in the evening so they can have a restful sleep and wake up fresh for school the following day.

Herbal and other Medicines
If your child is anxious and not coping there are lovely herbal remedies that can support them – I like to use Chamomile and Passionflower to support anxious kids. Essential oils can also be of assistance, try a drop of Lavender oil on their pillow to assist with falling asleep.

Magnesium is great for nervous system support. Topically applied to the soles of the feet will promote a deep and restful sleep.

Finally – check your breathing. When our nervous system is under pressure often our breath will become shallow. Establishing a simple deep breathing practice at certain points of your day will help your own resilience to the stress of “Back to School”!

If you need further support, or would like to purchase some herbal remedies/supplements to help your children’s nervous system, sleep, and focus (and potentially your own!) – get in touch or book an appointment today.

Kind Regards,


Duration: 1 hour (adults) - $110

Using a combination of non-invasive assessments & complete medical history we identify a suitable program of support tailored to your individual needs. This program of support may include Nutritional supplements, Herbal remedies, Dietary advice, Homeopathic remedies.